NCAA transfer rule puts student athlete mental health first

NCAA transfer rule puts student athlete mental health first

..... The NCAA recently decided to allow all division I transfers to play immediately this year.

The committee says it made the decision in order to best support the well-being of these student athletes during uncertain times.  

Transfers and mental health experts say it is already making a big difference. 

Dr. Monique Marsh-Bell, Baylor’s Assistant AD for Mental Health Services, says, “I definitely had some transfers come to me before this new rule came into place, and they were really struggling with all of the change.”.....


Bethany`s Notes: The opportunity to transfer without having to sit could be huge for current college transfers given the challenges of COVID-19. Even if they do transfer COVID-19 has it`s way with teams and can show up at any time. Being allowed to play doesn`t always meet you get to play as we have seen around the country.

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- - Volume: 9 - WEEK: 3 Date: 1/15/2021 8:56:31 AM -